How to Survive the Social Media War

With the advent of social media, even mute individuals have started speaking. They share their thoughts; explain events and their details in ways most profound public speakers cannot do. This is the power of words and undoubtedly the miracles of social media.

The online world of social media is dynamic and fast-paced. It changes in seconds and require you to do the same. If you think that a company page you created a couple of years ago is enough to build good reputation of your company, you are day-dreaming. Continue reading

Negative Impacts of Social Media on Your Business

What? Do you read it write? Does the writer literally mean this?

Could there be any negative impacts of social media on your business? Then what about all those hundreds of thousands of articles and publications on the internet that advocates having presence on social media? Continue reading

Why Do Businesses Use Social Media to Influence People?

To be very frank, I was least bothered about ‘social media marketing and its impacts’ unless I started looking for a job in the same line. The fear of questions related to this topic to be asked in interviews compelled me to search more and more about it. The result; here I am able to write a whole article on this amazing topic. I hope it will help you to mark your own presence in the digital world. Continue reading

Irresistible Social Media

Is not using social media tools to boost your business a wise action?

Who would have thought that one day the world would become an integrated market; that no matter where you manufacture your product or service, you can send it to millions of customers around the world. Continue reading

5 Deadly Sins of Social Media Marketing

Today, almost every organization has embraced social media. Still, we see only few frequently there; others are active only once in a blue moon.

Since digital media does not allow any mistakes, you have to be very careful when dealing with it. One single mistake -any typo, false claim or amateur photo editing and you are out of competition . What remains after this is sarcastic jokes and digital impersonation of your mistake, reminding people of it time and again. Continue reading

The Indigestible Truth About Your Social Media Friends

So, you have got 4,375 friends on Facebook, 11, 028 are following you on Twitter and 15, 980 professionals are cFacebook-imaginary-friends-comiconnected with you via LinkedIn, and you boast these figures? Do You? If you do, then I am afraid you need to think again if this is actually what you want. Reexamine the list and try to remember the faces and names you truly know. How many of them can you trust with your shared information?

Find it difficult to recall oodles of contacts there? Do you really think the ‘unknowns’ can keep your information, pictures and data private or are they the ones who randomly leak your family and personal photos on the internet and then a friend calls you up and congratulates you on being a ‘Hot topic’ on the internet today? Continue reading

Know Your Social Media Personality

Today, if you tell someone that you are not on social media, specially on Facebook, they will certainly give you a second look, ask about the reason of not being there and advice you to be there as soon as possible by telling you the myriad of fascinating things you can find there. Continue reading

Infinix Mobility Launches Hot S in Pakistan

On July 28th, a star-studded event was held at Marriott Hotel, Karachi where Infinix Mobility officially launched Hot S & Noise Cancelling earphones.


The event was attended by social media influencers, socialites, celebrities and other renowned personalities. Mr. Andy Yan, Vice President of Infinix Mobility unveiled the products and briefed the audience about their features. Continue reading

The Value of One Facebook ‘Like’ For Your Business


Use the power of this influential media to garner huge audience of customers to boost your sales

There was a time when every business had to use unique marketing tools to get noticed. The time has changed now. Today, irrespective of what tactics and strategies you are implementing, your presence on social media is considered to be a must. Your consumers expect you to be there. They want to show their friends that they use your brand. It is a kind of privilege for them – especially if you are a leader in your sector. Therefore, your absence there might upset your audience and this is what you never want to happen. Continue reading